Training with the Verticalboard
10 free tutorial videos developed by pros

A program made by coaches
YY Vertical offers you a free series of 10 tutorial videos on the Verticalboard developed by PC Training, a group of passionate trainers.
Planifier son entrainement
Durée: 4:22
- 1 Planifier son entrainement 4min
- 2 Organisation de la séance 2min
- 3 Principes d'entrainement 3min
- 4 L'échauffement 3min
- 5 Force doigts 3min
- 6 Force Bras 3min
- 7 Combiné Bras Doigts 2min
- 8 Energétiques les repeaters 3min
- 9 Le tour de poutre 2min
- 10 Gainage 3min